Meanwhile, on the work front, Anil was last seen in Anurag Kashyap's AK Vs AK, which streamed on Netflix. Anil Kapoor Recalls 'memories with Best People' as 'Dil Dhadakne Do' Turns Five. He told that this portion was not a part of the scene and the crew members had to be stop him and remind him that it was just a shoot and not a real situation. The actor added this was his favourite moment during the shooting of the film where he turns to his daughter Priyanka and apologises to her. Ranveer mocks Zarina by saying that she should cut her hand with a proper knife instead of a butter knife and the drama continues.Īnil was supposed to pin Rahul to the wall, saying, "Tera haath ukhed ke rakh doonga (I will rip your hand out)." but instead of that Anil found a wire and went on to strangle Rahu.
They are talking about how Priyanka is an inconsiderate wife and daughter-in-law. The portion that we are talking about had almost the entire lead cast of the film in presence including Priyanka, Shefali Shah, Ranveer Singh, Rahul Bose and Zarina Wahab. On the episodes of Tiger Baby's Off The Record with Anil Kapoor, the actor recalled the climax scene of the film and revealed how he 'almost killed' Rahul Bose in that particular scene. 5 Years of Dil Dhadakne Do! Ranveer Singh Shares a Heartthrob Selfie From the Sets of the Film.Īnil Kapoor decided to share some of these memories through a special video. The film was a special honour to all the crazy families around our country and the actors had a blast on the sets too. The film's song also became quite popular amongst the audience and its tranks like " Gallan Goodiyan" is still played during parties for people to shake a leg on. Starring Anil Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, Shefali Shah, Ranveer Singh, Anushka Sharma, Rahul Bose and Zarina Wahab, the film was relatable to the audience and they showered immense love on the film.
Dil Dhadakne Do is still one of the most entertaining family dramas ever made in Bollywood history.